New Heralds Health Initiative

Monday, February 15, will be the official kickoff of the Heralds of Harmony Health Initiative (HHHI).  Thanks to Greg Garvin, Dick Murbach, Marty Port, and Dan McFarlane for their work getting this off the ground.
This initiative is an effort to let Heralds members unleash our still unknown future potential.  Imagine if our continued vocal training and commitment were aided by increased physical stamina, better breath control, greater mobility and better appearance!  This is another opportunity to support each other’s efforts, working on our individual capacity for the good of the whole.
At rehearsal you will find a looseleaf binder with numbered pages.  Come prepared to claim a personal page on which you will record your starting weight with subsequent weekly updates.  That weight can be taken at rehearsal on the provided scale or from your home scale.  It is recommended that you weigh each time on the same scale and at the same time of day.
Please consider keeping a food diary.  It has been shown that recording weight and food intake promotes accountability and improves results.  Using paper is fine but there are also many free or inexpensive apps that can make this easier.  One I have used with success is “Lose It!” (
A fantastic perk!
Dan McFarlane has offered to craft a personalized exercise program for each Herald- no member is too fit or too unfit to participate.  Dan’s day job is physical therapy and personal training.  His generous offer is a wonderful opportunity that should not be missed.  The program stresses functional movements and will likely consist of 10-15 exercises that will take less than 10 minutes a day (TOTAL) to complete.  In return, Dan is asking for a commitment to do these exercises every day for at least 30 days.
The first 7 sessions with Dan will begin on Monday, February 15 at 6pm and will be scheduled at 30 minute intervals.  If you are interested in having a session with Dan McFarlane on February 15 or February 22 contact me by email ([email protected]).  Include your preferred email address and telephone contact. There will be a sign up sheet for future sessions at rehearsal. 
Also, look for a recurring HHHI column in the Heralds of Harmony newsletter.  Marty Port has written the first of the series- thanks Marty!  Let me know if you have information or encouragement you would like to share.
Looking forward to a fitter future,
John Santamaria