Successful Sunshine District Weekend!
The Heralds had SIX quartets representing the Tampa chapter at this weekends Sunshine District International Prelims contest! Suite Life won the Youth Quartet Championship with a score of 76.3! We also had the other 5 quartets (Three and a Half Men, Wildfire, Right on Q, Smash Hit, and Q4) make the finals, which was awesome with the groups competing this weekend.
Huge congratulations goes out to Wildfire and Three and a Half Men for qualifying for Cleveland with scores of 81.1 and 93.5 respectively. We are very proud of all the quartets who competed!
Other than being on stage, we had MANY Heralds working behind the scenes. This contest would not run without all of you!
Lastly, our very own Steve Cragg was awarded the Sunshine District Barbershopper of the Year! This could not have gone to a more deserving person and we are proud of you!
It's great to be a Herald!